Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Materials For The Arts

Uma das aulas que dou na faculdade chama-se "Art for Classroom Teachers," e é para professores (aqui alunos de mestrado) que sabem mais, ou menos, ou nada sobre artes visuais, e querem estar mais confortáveis para as integrar no seu currículo.
Ontem levei a turma ao Materials For The Arts, um armazém de materiais doados onde professores de escolas públicas e outros que tais podem em buscar materiais doados por  instituições (ou individualidades) da cidade.
Os materiais são os mais diversos (tudo entre botões, máquinas de café, posters velhos ou rolos de tecido) e muito bem organizados, categorizados e etiquetados. O paraíso da Avó Bixa :)

De volta a casa

No ultimo dia da conferencia em Guelph resolvi nao ir as sessões da tarde para ir conhecer downtown Guelph. Afinal fui, vi e vim, ainda cheguei a tempo da sessão de encerramento.

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Vou amanha para Guelph. Uma das atracções turísticas mais anunciadas e um 'Glow-in-the-dark indoor mini-golf'. Mal posso esperar. Ah, e também tem um novinho em folha Museu Cívico!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Toronto, dia 2

I could live here (Toronto is nice). Or maybe I could just live a life where I would regularly enjoy afternoons reading by the water, with no shoes and minimal clothing. Let's just stay with with Toronto is nice.

Toronto, Dia 1

Esteja onde estiver, acabo sempre por ir dar a China Town.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

NY "Mini"

Hoje corri a minha primeira Mini-Marathon - 10K, só para meninas. Muitas famílias com gerações de corredoras, muitos cartazes "Run, Mom, Run!," muitas senhoras que correram na primeira edição há 40 anos atrás. Do site dos New York Road Runners,

"6,122 Women Celebrate 40th Anniversary of the "Mini"

The annual NYRR New York Mini 10K has inspired passion and commitment for 40 years. As the first-ever road race exclusively for female participants, the “Mini” has a loyal cadre of followers who feel an almost religious devotion to an event that has come to symbolize the journey of women’s running from obscurity to dominance.
The first Mini—originally known as the Crazylegs Mini Marathon, a six-mile race in Central Park—took place on June 3, 1972, a few weeks before the passage of the landmark Title IX legislation, which opened the doors to women’s equality in sports. The race had 78 entrants, a huge number at the time, and was considered more a curiosity than a serious sporting event.
Today, 53 percent of all road race finishers are female. Women compete at the world-class level at distances from 100 meters to the ultramarathon. And every year, thousands of them finish the Mini, which continues to attract world-class competitors, first-timers, and everyone in between. This year's Mini had 6,122 finishers, the most since 1997. Leading them was Edna Kiplagat, 32, of Kenya, the reigning World Marathon champion and the 2010 ING New York City Marathon champion. Kiplagat broke away from the field on a downhill in the fifth mile and broke the tape in 32:08. For Kiplagat, the race served as a final tune-up for the 2012 Olympic Marathon. She and seven other women in the field will toe the line in London on August 5.
The 1972 Mini champion was 17-year-old Jacqueline Dixon, who flew in from California for the opportunity to compete against the nation’s best. This year, Dixon, now 57, returned to the race for the first time to be part of a special recognition ceremony for women’s running legends and many-time Mini finishers.
“Look how far we’ve come,” said Dixon, whose granddaughter, Tali, ran today—her first-ever 10K. “Running is gift we all give ourselves.”
Mini co-founders and women’s running legends Kathrine Switzer, 65, and Nina Kuscsik, 73, were also on hand for the ceremony. “It’s a social revolution,” said Switzer, who finished in 58:28 wearing her original Crazylegs T-shirt. “It’s beyond running. It’s changing women's lives by changing the social fabric of their lives.”
Kuscsik, who walked the course in 1:21:53 with friends, spoke about the massive changes of the past 40 years. “Back in 1972 or ’73, I once had this fantasy of two women going for a run together,” she said. “It was a fantasy back then—no one thought that was possible. In just a few years, all of that changed.”

(do site New York Road Runners (

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

National Running Day

Why do you run?

(Os NYRoad Runners vendem t-shirst para este dia, dizendo corro para comer, para estar em forma, para libertar o stress, etc. Nao havia uma para mim; fiz eu.)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Alvin Ailey

Because I have been whining about my lousy posture lately, my friend Emmy talked me into going to Alvin Ailey’s with her; and because I’m all for humbling experiences, I joined her in my first ballet class since… well, age 9. 
I have to say that in the humbling department, Ailey didn’t do as well as Cunningham did before him, but still was pretty efficient… now what I wonder is, should I get my act together on that, or just be reasonable and move on to the next one? :)

Long Shot '12

Uma vez por ano, o Photo Center NW, dirigido pela minha amiga e excelente fotógrafa Annie Van Avery, faz uma maratona fotográfica para angariar fundos (todos os fotógrafos precisam de angariar um mínimo de $24, e qualquer pessoa pode fazer doações on-line em nome de qualquer fotografo). É um centro muito interessante, com muitas aulas e outras actividades, e se estivesse em Seattle WA seria com certeza cliente regular.

A maratona, Long Shot, é ainda mais interessante: a ideia é fotografar durante 24h, seja com o que for - câmaras profissional, iphone, grandes lentes, câmaras descartáveis, instagram, etc. Seja quem for. Há gente a participar por todo o país, embora em Seattle haja um grupo que se junta para 24h de fotografia ou só para começar e acabar.

Depois das 24h  de dedo no gatilho toda a gente manda as melhores 10 imagens, e uma delas e escolhida para uma exposição algumas semanas depois. Toda a gente, independentemente da experiência, do nível, ou da câmara, tem lugar na exposição - toda a gente.

Eu não fotografei durante 24h (gosto de dormir...) mas vou começar a editar. E talvez para o ano consiga ir passar o fim de semana a Seattle.